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About company

The Kazakhstan company WAT for the production of bioagents has its own bio laboratories that produce useful entomophages from pests of agricultural crops, as well as their natural feed for breeding on an industrial scale. The company also produces a wide range of high-quality roll traps for pest monitoring.

Our mission

Working in cooperation with nature, to offer effective environmentally friendly solutions for pest control adhering to international quality standards, preserving and improving production technology. We provide a comprehensive system of professional and safe natural solutions, thanks to which agricultural crops become healthier and more productive.

Professional biological protection




Entomophagus breeding


in different directions

Glue traps


for mass trapping of insects

We work all over the CIS

The speed and quality of delivery is one of the key factors for our customers to receive high–quality goods. Therefore, WAT aims to control the conditions of transportation of biomaterial, maintaining temperature, humidity and everything necessary for fast delivery to the plant.