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Sitotroga cerealella

  • Entomological food
  • Advantages of top dressing for Macrolofus:
    ✅High viability of Macrolophus;
    ✅Promotes the intensive development of Macrolofus;
    ✅Increasing the fertility of females;
    ✅Promotes the development of Macrolophus on plants even before the appearance of the past population.


    ✅ Bottle 250 ml – contains 100 g.

  • Feeding the predatory bug Macrolophus pygmaeus at the stage of colonization or maintenance of the population in the culture.

  • Egg-grain moth – Sitotroga cerealella
    UNIVERSAL FEED FOR ENTOMOPHAGES. Eggs of the grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) are a natural substitute for food in the mass breeding, accumulation and maintenance of the population of predatory entomophages (lacewing, cycloned, macrolofus, dicifus, orius, anthocoris). It has been established that at the time of absence or during the period of weak dispersal of plants by pests, the dispersion of grain moth eggs contributes to the preservation of the population of entomophages and a significant increase in its number (3-4 times or more). The use of grain moth eggs as food does not change the main biological parameters of entomophages for many generations. The reverse transition to feeding on a natural host occurs without complications and even with an improvement in the biological parameters of the predator (an increase in fertility by a factor of two or more), so eggs can be successfully used to maintain the population of entomophages, before the appearance of pests in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as for their mass breeding in biolabs.

  • Storage conditions
    Store food in the freezer;
    Avoid refreezing.

    Small tube – 100 gr.
    Large tube -500 gr.