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Amblyseius montdorensis

  • Plastic container-125 000 individuals
  • Used to control:

    ✅ Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum);

    ✅ Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci);

    ✅ Tobacco thrips (Thrips tabaci);

    ✅ Western flower thrips (Franklinella occidentalis);

    ✅ Tarsonemid mites (Tarsonemidae);


    ✅ Cucumber, pepper, eggplant, wild strawberry, strawberry, ornamental plants.


    ✅ Plastic container 5L

  • Appearance

    Tube 1 liter; The female is elongated oval with 4 pairs of legs, more than 0.4 mm long. The body is usually pale white in color, but the color of the mites can vary from pale yellow to yellowish orange depending on the food. The legs are long, especially the front pair. Males are somewhat smaller than females

    Effect of the temperature on development
    Development phase Time of preimaginal development (days) at constant temperature °С
    15 °С 20°С 25°С 30°С 35°С
    Egg 7.1 4.5 2.7 2.7 3.2
    Larva 2.9 1.9 0.9 0.9 1.3
    Protonymph 5.8 3.6 2.0 1.9 2.5
    Deutonymph 6.3 2.9 1.9 2.5 2.8
    In total 22.1 12.9 7.5 8.0 9.8


  • To achieve a stable result in the control of whiteflies and thrips, we recommend using Amblyseius montdorensis in combination with other types of bioagents such as: Hypoaspis miles, Eretmocerus eremicus, Encarsia formosa, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Orius spp.

    Recommendations on applying Amblyseius montdorensis
    Latin name of the bioagent Prophylaxis Doses by degree of infection
    small average high
    Amblyseius montdorensis sachets 1 sch/m2 1 sch/m2
    Amblyseius montdorensis bran 50 ind/m2 100 in/m2
    Frequency of application once a month week later weekly weekly
  • ✅  5L bucket -125,000 individuals;
    ✅  5L paper bag -125,000 individuals;
    ✅  1L tube – 50,000 individuals;
    ✅  Sachet -150 individuals;

    Storage and transportation conditions Amblyseius Montdorensis

    Short-term storage: the accumulated biomaterial (adults and nymphs of a predatory mite) can be stored for no more than one day after receiving at low temperatures (8-12 °C) in a refrigerator.
    Plastic container 5L – contains 50,000 predatory mites and a small amount of food mites mixed with bran;