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Aphidius colemani

  • 500 individuals
  • Used to control:

    ✅ melon aphid (Aphis gossypii);

    ✅ Peach aphid (Myzus persicae);

    ✅ Bird cherry aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi).


    ✅ Sweet pepper, cucumber, eggplant, rose, chrysanthemum in greenhouse conditions.


    ✅ Bottle 200 ml – contains 500 individuals

  • Appearance

    Aphidius colemani is an aphid parasitoid. The body of the entomophage, black with brown legs, has long antennae and wings with distinct venation. Its size is usually about 2 mm. The female has an elongated abdomen, while in males it is round.

    Use of Aphidius colemani

    To achieve a lasting result, we recommend using Aphidius Colemani in combination with other types of bioagents such as: Aphidius ervi, Chrysoperla carnea, Aphidoletes aphidimyza.

  • Recommendations on applying
    Latin name of the bioagent Prophylaxis Doses by degree of infection
    small average high
    Aphidius colemani 0,25 ind/m2 1 ind/m2 2 ind/2 3 ind/m2
    Frequency of application once in a month in a week weekly weekly
  • Storage and transportation conditions
    • Keep away from direct sunlight.
    • Transport and store at 6-10°C
    • Use within 18 hours of receipt.

    Entomophages have a short lifespan, so it’s important to populate them as soon as you get them.

    • Plastic bottle 200 ml. – 500 individuals.