Neoseiulus californicus
Tube 50 000 individuals
Used to control:
✅ Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae);
✅ Red fruit mite (Panonychus ulmi);
✅ Citrus red mite (Panonynchus citri);
✅ Greenhouse transparent mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus);
✅ Cyclamen mite (Tarsonemus pallidus).
✅ Cucumber, pepper, berry crops, ornamental plants.
✅ Tube 1 liter;
Adult females are approximately 0.1 mm long and oval in shape. Males are slightly smaller than females. Both males and females are translucent and can be pale orange, peach, or pink in color. N. californicus eggs are football-shaped, approximately 0.04 mm (0.00016 in) long and pale whitish in color. The larvae have 3 pairs of legs and are translucent in color. Both nymphal stages, protonymph and deutonymph, are similar to adults, except that they are smaller and cannot reproduce.
Effect of the temperature on development
Development phase Time of preimaginal development (days) at constant temperature °С 15 20 25 30 35 Egg 6,07 2,24 1,61 1,23 1,14 Larva 2,71 0,97 0,78 0,53 0,5 Protonymph 5,68 1,71 1,44 1,1 1,11 Deutonymph 7,25 1,81 1,24 1,03 1,03 In total 21,71 6,73 5,07 3,89 3,78 -
Recommendations on applying
Latin name of the bioagent Prophylaxis Doses by degree of infection small average high Neoseiulus californicus sachets 0,25 пак/м2 0,5 пак/м2 1 пак/раст Neoseiulus californicus bran 10 ос/м2 20 ос/м2 50 ос/м2 Frequency of application once a month in a week weekly -
Storage and transportation conditions Neoseiulus californicus
- Short-term storage: the accumulated biomaterial (adults and nymphs of a predatory mite) can be stored for no more than one day after receiving at low temperatures (8-12 °C) in a refrigerator.
- Tube 1L – contains 50,000 predatory mites and a small amount of food mites mixed with bran;
✅ 5L bucket -125,000 individuals;
✅ 5L paper bag -125,000 individuals;
✅ 1L tube – 50,000 individuals;
✅ Sachet 150 individuals;